Windows (1.6.2)

Nowake Tools

Nowake Tools package for Windows OS
1.6.2 version

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Nowake Tools – Windows OS version

1.6.2 version (CURRENT)
– LipsB module 1.0.0 has been released
– LidsB module 1.0.0 has been released
– safeAction function to compile cython to avoid Maya crash
– Modified finRig and finSolution added sine wave and smooth fin bend
– Hide autoClavicle joints to avoid being selected in the scene
– FinRay has sinewave option
– fixed finRig rt flip issues
– finRig module loads master/slave nurbsSurface skinCluster file.
– MayaClusterCmd can be used in body rig
– Add kneeIkAimDistanceRatio option in the leg module
– Add tags in clusterLayerdule
– Add “Ik Elbow Aim Distance Ratio” option on arm module
– legRig module: hide kneeTwistBase_l/r_pos joint from the outliner
– Make compatibility with Miscellaneous module and ClusterRig module
– A bug fix on LoadSkinWeightCmd: descriptor condition
– Add rotationOrder option for masterControls on bodyInit cmd
– Hide joints in finRig
– Create a dataGrp to store skinWeight data in finRig
– HeadSquetch load pivot file correctly.
– Unlock translate on finTipFk control in FinRig module
– Fixed a typo in lidsScaleRig
– Hide visible joints on legRig
– actionPath tools update(1.0.11): stable “attach” and “detach” function.
– eyeLash module has option to add the base joint for skinning
– Fixed a typo in eyeRig
– Add bindmesh size option in brows module and lips module
– Use offsetParentMatrix to body-Head combine to avoid the scaleConstriant maya bug
– Support rotation on faceRoot template joint to rig non straight facing character.
– Fin module supports “_m_” side
– Add createUvPinOnNurbs function on rivet module
– eyelash module: add labels on bind joints
– tailRig left/right module is able to be used in faceRig module
– ActionPath Bug Fix: attach a custom locator to an action path.
– lipsB module: support translateZ along with the normal dicrection on the skull nurbs surface.
– Support “Mirror Behavior on TranslateY” option on lipsB module
– BodySkin module can skin without head_m_bind
– added spinePlane option, setJointOrient 0 on skin bind joints and chestBank in spineRig
– You can add extra template on head templates for neckRig module
– Change name to make more sense in eyeRig module: iris->irisSize, pupil->pupilSize
– Support extra head joints (headTip, eyes, ears, jaw, etc,…)
– Fix bugs: Add the extra head joints in the lockBinds module
– Support tail module in faceRig for combine with the body rig
– FinRig module: cup behavior changed
– Add eyelashTitlUpDown in eyelash module
– Tail module has orient setting option(OrientAxis, UpAxis, WorldUpVector)
– Fixed a bug in tailRig module: double transformed when combined with body with FaceOnBodyGeo mode as a skinLayer
– Comment out unnecessary print lines in deformer module