Mac OS

Nowake Tools

Nowake Tools package for Mac OS
1.4.3 version (CURRENT)

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Nowake Tools package for Mac OS

1.4.3 version (CURRENT)
– Maya2024 Supported
– Add nwkPicker_face_char.default.yml in preset folder
– Remove unicode from nwkPicker_body_char.default.yml
– Support custom controlSuffix for anim tools (fk/ik switch, …)
– Removed redundant parent and scale constraints in combineRigSolution
– Fixed a bug in eyeProximityRig

1.4.2 version (click here to download)
– Separated rigSolution.EyeProjectionCmd from EyeDirectionCmd
– Added rigSolution.EyeProximityCmd for proximity surface for iris/pupil
– RigType attribute store type of the rig: bipedLeg, quadrupedLeg, spineA, spineB, etc…
– Limb attribute store limb name: arm, leg, spine, etc…
– Fixed the tpose module for spine straighten when spine rig has non-world orient setting

1.4.1 (click here to download)
– Fixed the rotation problem in the right wrist when “Hand Controller Mirror Behavior” is “rotate/translate”
– Fixed toe bone misplacement bug in the “rotate/translate” foot control behavior mode
– Activate name convention module(post process) in autoRigPreset_char.default.yaml

1.4.0 (click here to download)
– Integrated C++ nowake tools into Python API. No skinWeightTools plug-ins needed.

– Keep the asset selection when new asset is loaded in NowakePickerUI
– avoid adding multi layerTwo skinClusters on the shoes geos.
– master_m_grp.faceRig works on the head geo which is rigged by both body and face
– Mirror Drivenkey supports “_L_” and “_R_” as left/right token

– Fix the eye aim control problem when it rigs separate geo for body and face and combine them together.
– lowGeometry bug fix.
– It didn’t create default data when a new character is created with compiled version – fixed
– NowakeAnimPicker: Open more than one window – fixed
– Support non world orientation on the neckRig module

1.3.14 (click here to download)
– bug fix on lidsRig: make sure that bindmesh skin with mainLayer only by eyeSocket after project mainLayer into bindmesh.
– Use offsetParentMatrix on the bindmesh geo in the combineRigSolution to have correct scaling when one or two axis are scaled on the head control